Empower Exercise Testing and Interpretation

Enhance your analysis and interpretation of cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) to better assess your athletic performance, derive scientifically-based exercise prescriptions, identify clinical limitations and evaluate therapeutic interventions.

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Ensure accuracy, consistency and quality of data


Increase efficiency by faster interpretation time


Increase productivity and laboratory income


Empower clinical decision-making


Exercise performance is the core of human health and accomplishment. It informs:

  • Athletic Achievement – enabling peak performance
  • Health and Well-being – maintaining physical activity and well-being
  • Impairment Due To Disease – facilitating clinical diagnosis
  • Treatment Responses – quantitate changes due to treatment interventions.

  • Understanding exercise capacity and identifying what limits performance are essential for fitness, sports, clinical and rehabilitation professionals alike.

    Woman on a bike


    Interpreting exercise tests can be overwhelming – until now.

    Our novel software simplifies the analysis and interpretation of data from cardiopulmonary exercise testing for:

  • Athletes & Coaches – refining exercise programming through accurate physiological measurements
  • Research Scientists – ensuring quality measurements and thereby qualifying CPET variables for scientific studies
  • Clinicians – presenting data in a logical format to facilitate clinical diagnosis
  • Therapists – enabling rehabilitative strategies and accurate assessment of treatment interventions.

  • enhancedCPETanalytics is your partner in delivering expert analysis and empowering you to achieve improved outcomes.

    The values for key variables are determined by pattern recognition from breath-by-breath data. This methodology is robust and consistent from one test to another.

    Each test is examined for six quality criteria offering means of assigning confidence level in results, sometimes interpreting them with caution or, in extreme cases, rejecting.

    The physiological analysis is automated based on selected reference values and a novel decision tree. This sets a framework for the clinical interpretation.


    The clinical Interpretation is a free text box allowing the interpreting physician to evaluate the results in clinical context.

    The report will save time processing the data and generating insights. It adds value for practioners by improving the consistency of their interpretations.

    The application demystifies vast amounts of data and empowers the end-user by providing a clear, scientifically sound and actionable information.



    Download our HIPAA-compliant desktop app for Windows, Mac or Linux


    Upload your CPET file


    One-click to produce your report


    Benefit from the accuracy of key variables and clarity of graphical data




    Develop strategies to enhance clinical diagnosis and treatment recommendations.



    Utilize advanced constructs for fitness assessment and exercise prescription.



    Clearly define endpoints for scientific studies and clinical trials.


    CPET laboratories

    Ensure accuracy and quality of data reporting with improved efficiency through faster report generation.


    Equipment manufacturers

    Enhance your CPET systems with accuracy, consistency and quality of data reporting. Increase your customer productivity and satisfaction.



    The Enhanced CPET Analytics report is useful and runs incredibly fast! It distills exercise data down to key variables presented in a clear layout facilitating rapid systematic interpretation. Reading the data flows naturally and quickly differentiating cardiac and pulmonary causes of dyspnea is simpler using the concise 4-panel plots. This novel tool facilitates concise clinical communication and is an amazing resource for anyone caring for people using CPET.

    Alexander E Sherman, MD. Director, Exercise Physiology Laboratory
    Sacramento Medical Center, California


    As director of the invasive cardiopulmonary exercise program at a large academic institution, there are significant demands on my time, in both clinical and research capacities. The enhancedCPETanalytics platform provides near-instantaneous analysis of studies and concisely highlights the most relevant data for each test. The program reached conclusions remarkably similar to my own—in a fraction of the time. With an elegant interface and quality-testing capabilities, this tool has cemented itself in our practice as a means of helping our clinicians interpret and report our studies.

    Michael D Troy, MD
    Medical Director, Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing, UCLA Health


    The enhancedCPETanalytics report is set out in an attractive, clear, logical format and includes the most important plots required for clinical diagnosis and prognosis. The quality of the data is automatically assessed and this reduces the chance of misinterpreting technical deficiencies as pathophysiology. The physiological analysis section is a very helpful addition that provides a basis for writing the clinical report. Overall, the enhancedCPETanalytics report should significantly improve the speed, accuracy and confidence of CPET interpretation.

    Marshall S Riley, MD, FRCP
    Consultant Respiratory Physician, Belfast City Hospital. Honorary Senior Lecturer, Queen’s University, Belfast, Belfast, Northern Ireland. Over thirty years experience in cardiopulmonary exercise testing.


    Exercise Testing and Interpretation – A Practical Approach, Cambridge University Press, 2009

    Exercise Testing and Interpretation

    Exercise testing does not have to be complicated, Chronic Respiratory Disease 2006;3:107–108

    Exercise testing does not have to be complicated

    Annual Cambridge-UCLA Course on Clinical Exercise Testing and Interpretation

    Cambridge-UCLA Course on Clinical Exercise Testing


    * from the founder’s research over the course of >35 years

    1. 1. Cooper CB, Beaver WL, Cooper DM, Wasserman K. Factors affecting the components of the CO2 output-O2 uptake relationship during incremental exercise. Experimental Physiology 1992; 77: 51-64
    2. 2. Riley M, Wasserman K, Fu PC, Cooper CB. Muscle substrate utilization from alveolar gas exchange in trained cyclists. Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol 1996; 72: 341–348
    3. 3. Cooper CB, Garfinkel A. A novel geometric method for determining the time constant for oxygen uptake kinetics. J Appl Physiol 2022; 133: 1081-1092
    4. 4. Dolezal BA, Storer TW, Neufeld EV, Smooke S, Tseng CH, Cooper CB. A systematic method to detect the metabolic threshold from gas exchange during incremental exercise. J Sports Sci Med 2017; 16(3): 396-406
    5. 5. Sirichana W, Neufeld EV,Wang X, Hu SB, Dolezal BA, Cooper CB. Reference values for chronotropic index from 1280 incremental cycle ergometry tests. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2020; 52(12): 2515-2521
    6. 6. Riley M, Cooper CB. Ventilatory and gas exchange responses during heavy constant work-rate exercise. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2002: 34(1); 98-104
    7. 7. Cooper CB, Dolezal BA, Neufeld EV, Shieh P, Jenner JR, Riley MS. Exercise responses in patients with chronically high creatine kinase levels. Muscle Nerve 2017; 56(2): 264-270
    8. 8. Cooper CB, Dolezal BA, Riley MS, Verity MA, Shieh P. Reverse fiber type disproportion: a distinct metabolic myopathy. Muscle Nerve 2016; 56(2): 264-270
    9. 9. Riley MS, Nicholls DP, Cooper CB. Cardiopulmonary exercise testing and metabolic myopathies. Ann Am Thorac Soc 2017; 14, Suppl 1: S129–S139
    10. 10. Cooper CB. Determining the role of exercise in chronic pulmonary diseases. Med Sci Sports Exerc 1995; 27: 147–157
    11. 11. Neufeld EV, Dolezal BA, Speier W, Cooper CB. Effect of altering breathing frequency on maximum voluntary ventilation in healthy adults. BMC Pulmon Med 2018; 18: 89
    12. 12. Nield M, Arora A, Dracup K, Soo Hoo G, Cooper CB. Comparison of breathing patterns during exercise in patients with obstructive and restrictive ventilatory abnormalities. J Rehab Res Develop 2003; 40(5): 1-8
    13. 13. Wasserman K, Stringer WW, Casaburi R, Koike A, Cooper CB. Determination of the anaerobic threshold by gas exchange: biochemical considerations, methodology and physiological effects. Z Kardiol 1994; 81(suppl 3): 1-12
    14. 14. Cooper CB, Storer TW. Exercise testing and interpretation. A practical approach. Cambridge University Press, 2001. ISBN: 0521648424
    15. 15. Cooper CB. Exercise testing does not have to be complicated. Chronic Respir Dis 2006; 3: 1-2
    16. 16. Cooper CB. Methods of rehabilitation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. PhD Thesis (defended and conferred as MD). University of London, 1990: 296 pages


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